《庄稼》/ 首演作曲|謝惠如
指揮|劉江濱 場次|風城樂旅 — 「2023竹塹國樂節」開幕音樂會 日期|2023.07.01 地點|新竹市文化局演藝廳 庄稼為閩南語「鄉下」諧音「ㄓㄣㄎㄚ」(tsng-kha)。有一個在後龍大庄出生的鄉下女孩,小時候總想快快長大,這樣就可以離開家鄉到城市生活。才明白城市到農村之間的距離,有如童年跑跳的鄉野小路般蜿蜒。她藉由音樂寫出農村生活的印記,並以此曲獻給所有在尋找自己過程落葉歸根的人。 庄頭裡,有鳥兒群飛下的秧苗; 有夏夜田邊的晚風吹拂。 田間廟宇是農民與天地的對話, 也是對大自然的敬畏, 更是作田人日出而作日入而息的秘密基地。 他們在夕陽餘暉中, 度過美麗與哀愁的日子, 活出屬於「庄稼人」的果敢堅毅。 -------- |
"COUNTRYSIDE"“Countryside” World Premier
Composer|Hannah Hsieh Conductor|Liu Chiang-Pin Concert|Music from the Windy City — "2023 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival" Opening Concert Date|2023.07.01 Venue|Hsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan Nestled in the Dazhuang of Houlun, there was a countryside girl yearning to grow up quickly and longing to leave her hometown for city life. Only later did she realize that the distance between the city and the countryside is as winding as the country paths she used to run and jump on. Through her music, she captures the imprints of rural life, dedicating this work to all those who, in the process of self-searching, return to their roots like fallen leaves. In the country village, young seedlings grow under the flock of birds, and breezes gently caress the fields on summer nights. The temples in the fields are dialogues between farmers and the heavens, which also express a deep reverence for nature, and serve as the secret base where farmers toil from dawn till dusk. In the glow of the setting sun, they live through days of beauty and melancholy, embodying the resolute spirit of the country folks. |
指揮|李英 樂團|嘉義民族管弦樂團 場次|時光隧道下的兩端V- 閉幕音樂會 日期|2022.09.04 地點|嘉義縣表演藝術中心演藝廳 本曲為2022年嘉義民族管弦樂團委託作曲家謝惠如的全新力作。 嘉義縣的大埔鄉擁有台灣蓄水量最大的曾文水庫,作曲家不辭辛勞親往大埔實地采風,乘坐遊艇迎著十浬微風,望湖上碧空如洗,煙波浩邈。沿著湖岸常常可見山豬成群,充滿生命力,峽谷前欣賞黑鳶向下俯衝、鳴叫,令人印象深刻。一轉瞬將時間凝結,化做靜謐。此時,夕陽下湖波蕩漾,讓身處秘境的旅人,再回首過往的披星戴月,重新找到再出發的力量。 |
"THE IMPRESSION OF EAGLE’S SOUND"* Winner of Composition & National Music of Vivaldi International Music Competition in 2022
Composer|Hannah Hsieh Conductor|LEE, Ying Orchestra|CTO/Chiayi Traditional Orchestra Concert|Chiayi Traditional Orchestra Annual Concert Date|2022.09.04 Venue|Chiayi Performing Arts Center, Taiwan |
客席指揮|黃蔚傑 樂團|台南樂集 場次|樂說大地 日期|2022.08.13 地點|台南文化中心演藝廳 那是年少輕狂的我們, 在每次熱血沸騰的冒險旅途中肆意妄為 ; 在嚼盡叛逆後的苦澀, 仍大步向前。 那是我們都有的青春, 更是年少無知的愛情 ; 那些曾經流過的淚, 也許在不同的平行時空, 未完待續。 |
"Young"* Silver Winner of composition of the World Classical Music Awards in 2022
The story of our youth It is in every reckless adventure we had; It is tasting the bitter fruits of rebellion, yet still marching forward. The memories of youth we all had, within it blissful ignorant love. The tears we shed in the past may continue their story in a parallel universe. Still, the ones who dream will forever remain youthful. Composer|Hannah Hsieh Guest Conductor|Huang Wei-Chieh Orchestra|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Date|2022.08.13 Concert|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Annual Concert Venue|Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Taiwan |
黑夜即將來臨~ 當太鼓節奏響起時........ 樂曲中,使⽤⼤量的⼩⼆度⾳程、顫⾳、半⾳階,描繪魔神仔戲弄搗蛋的場景,樂團與太⿎的節奏,敲響了魔神仔號招群雄的正義感! 並穿插了搖擺舞SWING DANCE的⾵格,呈現魔神仔機智幽默、⾵趣的⼀⾯。 當⼩⼆度的⾳樂再度響起,嘿嘿嘿!他的計謀才剛要開始........ 指揮|郭哲誠 作曲|謝惠如 樂團|高雄市國樂團 演員|黃世沛、陳柏亨 製作群 導 演|劉建幗 繪 作 家|角斯 編 劇|廖珮宇 舞台設計|陳瓊珠 影像製作|六角創藝 燈光設計|林育誠 |
"FINDING THE MYTHICAL CREATURES IN FORMOSA"Composing "Overture" for FINDING THE MYTHICAL CREATURES IN FORMOSA and also commissioned by Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra.
Composer|Hannah Hsieh Conductor|Che-Cheng Kuo Orchestra|Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra Concert|Chiayi Traditional Orchestra Annual Concert Date|2022.04.09 Venue|Kaohsiung City Dadong Arts Center, Taiwan |
《雙魚座- 漢娜星球》生命中每段相遇都是有意義的....
「 我所知道的愛情 」 是曾擁有過,每齣劇本的某某, 是永遠留下,每一季怦然心動, 是日漸明白,如常的細水長流。 是為你譜寫,一生一世的相守。 「 來自1989天馬行空的女孩 」 在這乘風破浪的日子裡, 女孩調皮地追著星辰大海; 時而勇敢,時而徬徨⋯⋯ 地圖上標記的是她的執著與倔強。 歡迎來到24小時都閃亮的漢娜星球! 在打破框架中擁抱自由, 只為拼湊每塊不完美。 作曲|謝惠如 樂團|台南樂集 場次|台南樂集絲竹漫漫系列音樂會V 日期|2021.12.19 地點|台南文化中心原生劇場 |
"Pisces-Hannah Planet"I believe that every encounter has its own meaning….
“The love that I’ve known”/is that person who had every script; is the heartbeat that stayed forever; is to understand the long run of ordinary days; is to write down the lifetime companionship I have for you. “The Wild-minded Girl from 1989”/ The girl who rides the winds, and breaks the waves, chases along the sea of stars. Sometimes brave and sometimes hesitant with the path she takes. Welcome to Hannah Planet that shines for twenty four seven! Try to think outside the box and feel the freedom just to piece up every imperfection. Composer|Hannah Hsieh Orchestra|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Date|2021.12.19 Concert|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Annual Concert Venue|Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Taiwan |
石虎和牠的里山動物朋友,每一步都很快樂。 失誤的毒藥、路殺,存活的衝突, 在沈默的死亡裡,見證不允許哭泣的生命 。 可每一個呼吸,有其意義。 願人們,拾起快停止的生命, 願石虎,用圓舞曲的姿態,學會肆意活著。 作曲|謝惠如 樂團|台南樂集 場次|我們的島,飛天鑽地 日期|2020.12.19 地點|台南大學雅音樓 |
"LeoPard cat"Tainan Chinese Orchestra produced the music program which is called Our Island, has entrusted some of the Taiwanese composers to cooperating into this projects. The content of the project is talking about to protect the animals which are on the verge of extinction. Using the dulcimer as the main instrument to represent peculiar animals that the composer chose, but also can showing the vitality of Taiwan. Tainan Chinese Orchestra has entrusted the composer "Hannah Hsieh" for composing Leopard Cat and was Premiering on Dec. 19, 2020 at National University of Tainan Ya-Yin Concert Hall.
Fewer than 500 leopard cats (P. bengalensis) are living in Miaoli, a county located in mid-Taiwan, and are on the verge of extinction. Most of the leopard cats are dead by car accident and kill with poison unintentionally. The composer, "Hannah Hsieh" as a local would like to do something for leopard cats also call people to face this issue; therefore, she decided to use the dulcimer as the main instrument representing the characteristic of Leopard Cat to compose the song, and including cello, piano, bass and percussion as the accompaniment instruments. Composer|Hannah Hsieh Orchestra|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Date|2020.12.19 Concert|Tainan Chinese Orchestra Annual Concert Venue|National University of Tainan Ya-Yin Concert Hall, Taiwan |